of fucking course
You stupid fucker.
Current beer-scale: 7.1
I've been looking for a new pair of oxfords in case I ever get called in for another interview, specifically some doc marten brogues. And apparently there are a bunch of $0.04 shoes on amazon. I'm not sure I believe it but here they are...
So I got two. We'll see if they ever actually ship, or even exist.
Current beer-scale: a sad November 9.2
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Not bad for a $10 old navy sweatsuit and some felt. |
That's if I can even convince the kid to wear a costume anyway. Oh well. I was really looking forward to carving a pumpkin last night but we made the best of it. Got out the chalkboard paint instead and then the chalk markers. Didn't turn out too bad.
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Would have looked better carved though. |
Current beer-scale: 9.3
Hey, wait a second...oh those fuckers.
I guess we'll have to find some other way to ease the pain these days.
For fuck's sake.
Current beer-scale: 7.1
Father of the year
It's the little things that make a difference. Floor time with daddy is fun anyway.
Current beer-scale: 9.1
take that vegetarians
And this has been one of the long weeks. But there's football, pumpkins, and chilli in my future, all with some beers mixed in too. That'll be a good time.
Current beer-scale: 8.2
So enjoy the ride
Get up, get down, get a drink
Maybe it was easier to feel positive when I was totally unemployed since it was spring. Looking for a new job all year to the point where it's fall already isn't really helping my attitude. The closer we get to the end of the year the smaller my window is to get out of here, which does not make me feel good about prospects.
But then I get a late email from another university about a similar position, and I have an interview set up for Monday. If I nail the interview and the pay is above where I'm at now, I'm out of here. Two big "ifs," but that's enough to get through the next couple of days. Drinks, football, interview prep, sounds like a good weekend.
Current beer-scale: 7.1
It's not perfect
That lock is a monster. Heavy as shit, too big to put anywhere in my frame with the clip, just where exactly am I supposed to put it on my bike if I can't leave it on the rack?
Eh, it fits at least.
Plus, it makes the bike sooooooo much heavier to carry up and down the stairs at Chicago. Woof. That's a very noticeable 4+ lbs.
Current beer-scale: an I-don't-want-to-be-at-work 8.8
At least I got a new lock out of it
Granted, I had my chain with me b/c I take it back and forth and could still lock up, but I've already had to replace one lock when the indoor parking closed and damned if I was going to replace another one after getting it cut off without notice. So I calmly called around the security office, and suggested they replace my ulock. Imagine my surprise when they delivered a new kryptonite series 4 to my office later this morning.
This place drives me nuts sometimes.
Current beer-scale: 8.9
just gotta keep at it
Actually, I think I've been looking now for almost as long as I did when I was fully unemployed, which is depressing. Things started off pretty well but every additional day I spend stuck at my desk doing grunt work is starting to wear me down.
September's been a pretty slow month resume-wise. And with the holidays coming up it looks like things will be slow for the rest of the year. Dammit. I really didn't want to spend another holiday season in this office.
There's a job open in the university at a different office and I'm on the fence about applying. I've had a bad experience doing so prior, and I don't really think a lateral move does me much good right now. So it sounds like I'm not on the fence anymore. That's progress, I guess.
Current beer-scale: TNF 7.1
now that's a lunch
Now if only I could break out the emergency bar and get away with it.
Current beer-scale: 9.9
Yeah, that about sums it up
We had another great weekend, and the unsolicted "I love you Daddy" I got between picking apples and going into the play area is one of the highlights of my life. I melt for that kid.
I just have to keep remembering that as I slog through another Monday high on anti-histamines. Ugh.
Current beer-scale: a MNF-friendly 8.2
little/big picture
Ignore the diapers, the not sleeping, the gibberish cartoons and conversations. Every once in a while a moment will stand out to me and I'll realize just how crazy it is to have kids. This was one of them last night.
But I made a crazy-good In&Out replica sauce to go with these mini burgers, and in a few days I'll have enough apples to make pies and cakes a for a month. It'll get here, I promise.
Current beer-scale: 8.5
Day trip
It's always good to see the guys and catch a win but man that made for a rough weekend. Crappy car, early Sunday morning, hung over...ouch. Monday is going to be even less enjoyable now.
Current beer-scale: 3.3
yeah, maybe I'm not so interested
Obviously I had a phoner today, and actually I think I conducted myself quite well considering my initial look at the description had me wondering why exactly they were calling me. But it was a director-level position and it might not have gone too poorly.
The best thing about it was as I was talking, two different people came by to shush me. Yeah, fuck you. I keep thinking I want to move into a more student services-focused role, but every interaction I have with actual students tells me that might not be the case. I guess it's good that I just applied for a Dean of Students role then.
I'm drinking this weekend, but I'm going to try and keep it level. "Try" being the operative word.
Current beer-scale: 7.3
Take a walk stretch
I couldn't decide what to get someone for this weekend so I figured this was a good option. It'll be a nice surprise at the tailgate Saturday.
Even better, this was at Marshalls for 20 bucks. Mitchell & Nell, for real? In my size, doesn't seem to be counterfeit? Done. Now that's a successful shopping trip.
Current beer-scale: 8.1
finally, a use for twitter
I admit I felt like kind of a tool standing around taking a cell pic, but what the hell, it's my favorite show and I could use the walk. And hey, I finally found a use for twitter.
Current beer-scale: 8.1 & bring on the NFL!
thank god for football
I picked up after Labor Day fitting two interviews in for jobs I wasn't too interested in but was happy to set up after a long dry spell. I have a good feeling about at least getting an offer from UChicago, although I'm not sure I want to head down there every day and I don't think the salary will be where I need it to be.
The same could be said about the salary at the WTTW job, and that's potentially only a two year contract with part of the job being working to secure additional funding. But Sen. Durbin was in the lobby as I was leaving, and I took the chance to say hello and shake his hand. It made for a slightly more interesting interview story than usual when I got home.
Ah, home. Where I'd much rather be right now. Taking yesterday off meant I was home for 5 glorious days over the weekend, putting up closets and taking care of kids. It was fantastic. Now all I have to do is hang on until the NFL opens tomorrow night and keep my fingers crossed that Michigan goes down in flames on Saturday.
Current beer-scale: 9.1
Noooooooooooo! Overdone...
"The meat store?" I asked. Don't they mean the butcher?
No, apparently they meant the meat store, b/c they were at a meat warehouse in the west loop that sounded absolutely crazy. And they came back with the best looking t-bones I've seen in a while, and some fatty looking ribeyes.
That's the ribeyes on the grill last night. If I had taken them off then, I likely would have been in heaven. Unfortunately I let my paranoia about how thick they were ruin me, and I left them on until they hit medium. Just about right for the wife, too much for me. Bummer.
But they were still tasty, and I know to take it a little easier on the t-bones next time. Not a bad way to wrap up a weekend that included a trip to Thomas day and some day drinking on Saturday.
Current beer-scale: an unhappy Monday 8.4
the home stretch
Even better, it's Air & Water show weekend, which means I couldn't even go for a LSC ride yesterday without people stopping in the middle of what they were doing to gape at the Blue Angels practicing. God I hate this weekend.
Current beer-scale: 9.1 & looking forward to it.
Oops, too late
And of course, not everyone gets in on time anyway.
Too bad too, b/c here I was feeling good that at least I didn't get any "thanks but no thanks" emails the previous Friday. Instead I ended up grinding my teeth all day Sunday and now that I'm here I'm counting down the hours until I get to leave. Good times.
Current beer-scale: 9.5
But it's not until the 21st, and not for a job I'm entirely crazy about. I've been trying to apply mostly to associate director-level positions, with a few director-level sprinkled in for good measure. This one is a coordinator role, so of course that's what I hear back from. Oh well. These seem to come in bunches, so maybe I'll get lucky a line up a couple more soon.
B/c I need to get the fuck out of dodge! And I need a new pair of bike gloves. Not to mention shorts. Not to mention beers, b/c we're one day closer to the Bears' preseason opener.
Current beer-scale: 8.1
now that sounds good
I put her down a little after 11 PM, and she was up a little before 2 AM to eat. Not too bad, but we ended up staying up until around 4, which made for a rough start for today.
Strangely, the worst part was watching an informercial for a pillow. B/c of course that's what you're selling to insomniacs too tired to change the channel at 3 in the morning. Whatever pillow they were selling sounded so good if I could have found my phone I think I would have even ordered a couple. But now I can't remember what it was called, can't find any information online, so I'm starting to think it was all a fever dream I hallucinated. I definitely fed the baby, but that's all I can be sure of at this point.
So yeah, I'm so tired and fed up at work I just applied to a job in Gary, IN of all places. Hell, I'm already hoping to hear back from a job in Munster, why not apply to something in Gary. Just get me the fuck out of here already.
Current beer-scale: 9.8
theclymb.com review
Chalk my experience with theclymb.com into the positive column as well. I've been looking for a deal on a Levi's commuter parka for a while, and I found one on ebay for $65 the other day. Before I got into a bidding war I thought I'd do one last google search, and what did you know theclymb had them for $50 in all sizes. I had randomly signed up for an account there a while ago but hadn't bought anything yet, so once I got a password reminder I was set to check out. Shipping was a flat $7 but since it was good for multiple items I browsed for a minute to see if there were any other good deals out there.
Usually when I find a new site like that I'll google for customer reviews before I check out, but I was so excited about the great deal on the parka (and extra shirt) that I forgot and just bought the stuff. Oops. But reviews are pretty split; people either love it or hate it. Put me down for love it.
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That's a little weird. |
Current beer-scale: 8.1 & kind of enjoyed kona's IPA last night.
Sooo much to talk about
Right now I want to focus on finally breaking the 1000 mile mark for the year and the joys of having a 25 mile commute day. It's no secret I'm not really in love with my job right now, but any excuse to ride an extra couple of miles and I'm on board.
So that's my day so far. About 15 miles, with an evening commute still to come. But cheezy petes am I exhausted. I'm actually so tired I'm nauseous, and that's with slamming coffee, coke, and a pizza bagel so far today. It's not helping that I keep getting job rejection emails too, with nary an interview request in sight. Not really feeling up to a PM ride if I'm being honest, but I'm kind of out of options right now.
Oh well. You do what you can, drink what you've got, and fuck all the rest.
Current beer-scale: 9.3
Time flies
I felt bad yesterday b/c I forgot to grab some pictures of the baby to bring to work. I've basically plastered the walls with pictures of the boy, it's only fair the girl gets her fair share as well. We've been getting hassled by the grandparents for not putting more pictures of her on the tumblr we started for her, but it's easy to forget that a one month old isn't doing much other than eating, pooping, and crying. Occasionally there's some sleep sprinkled in there, and I'm starting to think the smiles she's making is more than just gas now, but that's about it. Pictures will get more interesting in a couple more months.
Until then, I've remedied the situation and put a pair of pictures up. Which is better than nothing, even though I have more Kona beer pictures up than that. I'm still hoping I'll have a new office to put things in sooner rather than later anyway. I don't want to have to pull a Homer here: "don't forget, you're here forever."
Current beer-scale: 8.1
It was a pretty obnoxious ride in this morning too. It's not pleasant for a lot of reasons. It's impossible to leave a wife and baby at home without feeling bad, but add to that I've become the bad guy now that I have to drop the boy off at daycare, and my overall not really appreciating this specific job right now, and it all kind of snowballs. Into this tsunami of awfulness.
But I have a new IPA at home to try, and Labor Day is only a few weeks away. So there's always something to look forward to.
Current beer-scale: 9.7
And we're back!
It's been a lot easier so far this time around, but after getting some negatives back about recent interviews a long ride sounded like a good idea. It worked pretty well last time I was job searching, and it worked pretty well again. It might be time to take another one pretty soon.
Current beer-scale: 6.1 but looking for some big wave
But will I make it to the interview?
I have a phone interview today at 1:30, one I had to re-schedule last Tuesday when we were at the hospital. The people setting it up were very understanding, but now I feel like I've got to make it worth their time and blow them away. I thought scheduling it for today would lock us into a hospital trip by today, but it's starting to look like it's not going that way. Bummer.
But I have another scheduled for the 9th, and that is definitely starting to look like we'll still be in the hospital by then. Goodie. That one I can't reschedule unfortunately, but we'll see how it shakes out. Nothing like adding some job search stress to the adventure of waiting for a new baby to show.
Current beer-scale: 9.1
But moonshine is the least of my concerns, after starting the week at the hospital expecting to have a baby and then leaving when things calmed back down. So we're back to square one, on complete baby watch. Oh goodie.
And that's why daddy drinks. Current beer-scale: 8.1
speaking of moonshine...
It's not as high-proofed, and I have my doubts, but what's wrong with dropping a few bucks to try something new. Too bad I'm in the no-drinking window of this pregnancy, just in case we unexpectedly have to head to the hospital. B/c that's exactly when you need a drink.
Current beer-scale: 9.0
well that was disappointing.
So let's strain this and see what happens.
This actually smelled really good, like an apple pie you would get drunk off of.
This was agonizingly slow. Thankfully the boy was at his grandparents' house for an overnight so I didn't have to keep him away from it all day.
And finally, it was ready to sample. Cue the Price is Right "bummer" music.
Nice color, looked good in the glass, but blurg did it taste awful. Oh well. Maybe it will taste a little better after a few more days. Until then I'll just stick with the moonshine, thank you very much.
Current beer-scale: 8.5 Monday you bastard.
down he goes!
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So the boy and I have matching knees now. |
Current beer-scale: 8.1
No such thing as a nice day to bike
For fuck's sake I desperately need to get out of here.
Current beer-scale: 7.5
It's Monday morning; I wish I was drinking this right now
I've had an itch to try this apple-infused bourbon recipe for a while now so while it was nice on Friday I took a long walk to the Binny's downtown to pick up something cheap to throw together. I'm already off-book since I picked up Canadian whiskey, not bourbon, but what the hell. I'm the one drinking it.
Apples, cinnamon, vanilla bean, whiskey, air-tight container. Good to go.
The vanilla bean was too dry to cut open, it got snapped into little pieces instead. Looked like little bugs or turds floating around. Lovely.
I varied the recipe just a little bit more; used about a half less of an apple to try to not use the whole bottle. 95% of the CC ended up in there anyway. But it already smells good, even if I keep forgetting to shake it. Today will mark day 3; the recipe said wait at least 4 days, I have a feeling it will be a little longer than that. The last time I walked to Binny's to pick something up the wife ended up going into labor that weekend, I've still barely had any of the whistlepig. I hope this doesn't end up being a sign of something major about to happen.
Current beer-scale: 8.1 & teaching until 10. For fuck's sake.
That was a surprise
There have been days since that I regretted that decision, so imagine my surprise when the hiring manager called me back out of the blue yesterday to touch base and see what a bigger number would mean in my decision making. Again, not really a great sign that apparently no one wants to do the job at the salary they've set, but if I'm the top choice and they're coming back to me again it's a nice ego boost at least.
And now to buy some cheap whiskey and start enjoying my weekend.
Current beer-scale: an apple infused 7.8
How to enjoy a long weekend while job searching
And try to ignore the fact you're going back into the office on Tuesday. Don't let it spoil what was a great weekend. Sooner or later you'll find something else. You hope.
Current beer-scale: 6.8
A new wrinkle
I'll be damned if I was going to let that stop me from either wearing it or going to buy whiskey though, so I quickly and moderately calmly whipped out the sewing kit and put it back on. Easy peas-y. Interview went fairly well too, and I have some new whiskey to try now too.
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And if you think I didn't use the actual tin cup provided to pour the first drink, you haven't been paying attention. |
Current beer-scale: 8.1
every time I look at these I smile
Seriously, I know you're in for the short sale but can't you take 15 minutes and at least put those back in the wall? No? Okay, fuck you very much. Oh, it's b/c you just painted over the covers while they were on the wall? Fan-fucking-tastic.
There were five of these, now patched, painted, and closed back up. And it makes me happy every time I think to look at them. But I don't look very often, b/c there aren't random wires sticking out of my walls anymore.
And that's why it finally feels like this place is coming together. Get some frames back on the wall, possibly some shelves, and we'll be good to go.
current beer-scale: 6.9
slowing coming together
It's not like we can see all these with our massive tv up, but just knowing they are there has bugged me since we moved in. What the hell was wrong with the people that sold us this place?
The patches aren't perfect by any stretch, and painting around the bracket instead of taking it all the way off will surely cause me problems down the line, but I feel so much better putting the tv back on over that versus having all the holes in the wall.
Oof, that thing is a beast to put up and get connected. What a fucking pain. But things are looking decent.
Current beer-scale: 7.8
May got off to a great %*(^ing start
So yeah, our tank was leaking and had to be replaced. There went another 2 grand replacing something else the piece of shit developers cheap-ed out on when putting the building together. Hey, if it gives someone else peace of mind when we try to sell then good for us.
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A wet spot on the outside is not a good sign. |
Current beer-scale: 8.1 & ready to schedule some interviews this week
Setting up
Christ almighty I hope I get an offer I'll accept soon. 5 whiskeys can only do so much.
Current beer-scale: 8.9
Yeah, that phone call did not go as positively as I expected it to and you could tell it was going that way right off the bat. So I turned down one job, and didn't get the offer I thought I might on the other. Whoops.
Which makes me feel a little more foolish about saying no elsewhere, but considering I had already made that decision before I had the second phone call I guess I shouldn't. I also set up another interview for next week, and am still hoping to hear back from another interview from last week, so it's not like there's not hope for me out there. It just sucks not hearing what I thought I'd hear.
Throw in a crappy, wet ride this morning and this Monday has shaped up for shit. So I'm gonna go home, drink a whiskey, and watch GoT. That should take care of things.
Current beer-scale: 8.8
4 years ago that would've been a big "hell yes."
Oh well, still an ego boost to get one. But I've convinced myself that as unhappy as I am currently, I'm not just jumping to the first branch that becomes available if it's not the right one. I can wait another few weeks for more interesting interviews to pan out. This one took 2.5 months start to finish, might end up with great timing if any of these other recent ones pan out with other offers.
Current beer-scale: 9.1 & beer's in the fridge!
I have a follow up phone call to make regarding an interview at an Evanston non-profit and I'm not sure I want to make it. I'm pretty unhappy at the office today and if I actually get an offer from somewhere else I'm going to have a hard time saying no.
So the day has not shaped up well at all. Let's just get to the weekend at this point.
Current beer-scale: 6.8
More follow up
I had a follow up today to make sure everything is coming together well. And it is, but I did get fitted for a new splint and some velcro supports so it heals more properly.
It turns out I have a "closed fracture of shaft of proximal phalax" on my left pinkie. Apparently if it scars too much the finger will heal but stay in more of a curled position than it should. All I care about is that I have to wear the splint at night for another 4 weeks but can try to see how it goes with it off more during the day. Great.
So I don't feel bad for riding this week, and as long as it warms up I'll be in good shape. It's late April for fuck's sake, let's get out of the 30's once in a while.
Current beer-scale: 8.1
fuck it, let's ride
Current beer-scale: 6.9
What the shit, spring?
Why didn't I learn my lesson
I'm sitting in a garage trying not to doze off before it's time to walk to my second interview today. Apparently I didn't learn anything the last time I said no more two interview days.
At least the first interview was in the AM at UChicago, one I'm really interested in. I brought the enthusiasm and it seemed to go well. And parking downtown let me meet the write for lunch between.
But all I wanted to do at lunch was chug a beer, and all I want tip do now is go to sleep. It's cold I'm tired and I don't really care about this job. Oh well they can't all be winners.
So I'll listen to the radio for a couple more minutes, gut this interview out, and Jane several beers when we're all finally home tonite.
Current beer-scale: 9.1 and staying high
great, more owwwwww
I did ask for an ambulance to get called though, b/c at that point I was pretty pissed...
Here's the view from the squad car (the officer was a good guy, walked me into the hospital so I'd get checked quicker):
Here's the familiar sight of me kicking back in the ER waiting to hear about the xray:
Here's a small bruise forming that had me worried I did officially break my hand:
And here's my pinkie in a splint thanks to a small fracture:
Big picture things could have been much worse. I'm not in a lot of pain, I can still swim on Sunday since I don't have a cast, and I have an excuse to stay home now anyway. Plus, I didn't get drugs so I can drink tonite. And I will.
Current beer-scale: off the damn charts
You're early
I've been looking for a chance to renew my expired license and take a bike in for a pre-good weather tune up, so when I set up a phone interview for 9:30 this morning it seemed like a good day to play hooky and get some stuff done.
Got off to a bit of a rocky start when the interviewer called half an hour early but luckily I was already set up and had had a coffee already. Apparently I did okay since they've already emailed about setting up an in-person interview next week. Sounds like I might be juggling a pair of interviews again on Monday, oh boy.
So in the meantime I made some meatballs and tried to get mentally ready to go back to the office for another day. Ugh. I think the whiskey's coming out to meet dinner tonite.
Current beer-scale: 7.6
a serious case
I heard back in the negative for a job late yesterday and while I wasn't disappointed I admit I as a little surprised. I wasn't overly interested in the job but believed the interview went well and thought I would hear a more positive response. Getting a "no" takes a difficult decision out of my hands but I was still caught off-guard.
It would have been difficult b/c I admit, the any port in a storm perspective is sounding more and more appealing. I've completely soured on where I am right now and if I was presented with another option, even if it wasn't my top choice, I'd have a difficult time saying no.
Which is not a good headspace to be in, b/c at this point my next interview is going to feel like it's life or death. Not a feeling that helps keep things on an even keel. But at least I get to take a day off to do the interview. Now I just have to not completely blow it.
Current beer-scale: 9.9. Buried the needle, Ray.
GQ I am not
C'mon people, it's an unlined cotton blazer, it's barely a step up from a shirt and tie. Read a magazine once in a while.
Current beer-scale: 9.5 and can't wait for an interview next week.
The terrible two's
Current beer-scale: 7.6 & drinkin' in bed
Old legs get older
I can't believe I got this old. And to think, I've got another one on the way in a few months, life has a way of keeping you young not matter how old you say you are. Good times.
Current beer-scale: I'm buying Guinness at lunch so it's pretty high.
Let's just say
Best $30 we've spent in a while, but I'll admit to not knowing what the wife spent on my great presents either.
Current beer-scale: 7.6 & enjoying a nice bed whiskey