
Baby it's cold outside

And I really should have stayed home today.

My office had a cookie exchange yesterday during our all-staff update meeting. I took the train to work carrying 30 cookies. At least I remembered how to make them from my time-killing exercises during unemployment last year.

In any case, it was 10 below zero so I wasn't too upset at not riding. Today I was back on the bike, even after having had too many cookies yesterday and wishing I could stay home. I probably should have, b/c work has me wishing I could reach through the phone and strangle people.

Not being able to use my usual bike rack this AM wasn't helping--why the fuck are there suddenly more people riding when it's below zero then when it was snow-free and a balmy 20 degrees? Pile that in with someone walking right in the front door with their folder when I was walking back from a rack further away and the day started with me ready to decapitate someone. Phone calls from idiots are only making things worse.

Current beer-scale: 9.9

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