
I can think of worse places to take a software training than gorgeous new buildings made of glass directly on the lakefront.
Of course, with so much construction up in Rogers Park, one might wonder why so many people seem to be against expanding the lakefront path straight through to Evanston. Just add the expansion to the big tear-down-build-ups going on already.

I'll take a bike ride to RoPo any day of the week over a train or car ride. It's fantastic on a day like today, even when there's a guy flashing ass-crack in front of you.

Thankfully the guy in black up there was sitting back to have some water after furiously passing me on the north side. I had passed him a few minutes earlier, and apparently it enraged him enough to catch up. And as he caught up, bending over his bars was enough to pull his shirt up and reveal at least 5 inches of cyclist crack. Fantastic.

Still, even with some guy's butt out, it was beautiful this morning.
Current beer-scale: 2.3--I can at least think of beer w/o feeling nauseous.

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