

Prepping for an interview that ended up going over 5 1/2 hours, that's how I spent my 31st birthday thank you very much. Ouch.

The disheartening thing about such a long interview is that you have plenty of time to talk yourself into thinking you're the top candidate, but that only guarantees you'll hear something to shatter that belief in one of the last sessions of the day. So even though I was sick and barely able to talk, I was feeling pretty great until the last two session. After giving a 30 minute presentation in the middle of the day that was really well received and a session with some of the students I'd be working with, I had myself well convinced that the job was mine. Only to walk out convinced of the complete opposite.

Oh well. I'm happy the sun is out and I can go to the beach without ice in the water. It's the little things right now.

Current beer-scale: fucking high.

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