
Ok I have to admit, I'm starting to like how this cool weather is sticking around. 52 F this morning and still, not a single lycra-clad speed freak to be seen. Granted, I saw a few yesterday morning walking the dog by the lake, but as long as they're not running us over I could not care less. And if temps in the 50's keep them off my route and sticking to the lakefront path, let it stay May for a while longer.

Biking on an empty route makes me remember why I started bike commuting in the first place. Originally, it was just a way to avoid Cubs el traffic on my summer-hours weeks. Even on my future mother-in-law's old worldsport, that first week was so much fun. Surviving the first ride through the neighborhood, figuring out better routes, overcoming the onset of butt-pain, all of it still infinitely more enjoyable than cramming on to an el car. Reading or coffee time is a small price to pay for actually enjoying the commute. And even though my route's gotten a lot shorter and my ride has slightly up graded, that first week was still one of the best.

Eventually, when I've cobbled together a winterized bike, I'll really bike year-round. March-November's alright, but that's still 3 months a year where I could be out there instead of jealously eyeing bikers as they glide by my car. Sure, I love heat and sports radio as much as the next guy, but I have both of those at home. I don't need them on my commute too.

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