
don't fence me in

We've started packing in the hopes that we don't hit any kind of snag in the next two weeks on our close, and it's disorienting to live a simpler life while all sorts of clutter starts to surround you.

The living room is the worst part, as we try to show our place to potential tenants and convince them to imagine the place without stacks of boxes everywhere. When we saw the place it practically looked like an episode of "Hoarders," but we were moving no matter what at that point. The place was cheaper than we had been paying on Belmont & we wouldn't have anyone else in the building. We could see past piles of shit everywhere.

Ultimately that might have screwed us a bit, since we had to wait until later in the same day the old tenants moved out to move in, and have only run the place down more in two years. Without the place getting a real cleaning or re-painting two years ago it honestly was quite a shit-hole. Not a huge selling point when we're trying to show the place.

At least there's still room to park the bike upstairs, even if that meant taking the trainer off and putting everything else downstairs. We're literally down to eating frozen meals that we don't need to use pots or pans with for the next two weeks since most of our kitchen is packed. We can at least use silverware, but only with plastic plates we re-use. And I'm already wearing the same shirt for a week at a time since the washer & dryer in the basement suck, so no problem packing up my closet once I didn't have to wear anymore suits for work.

I can't complain too much, as we're nearly ready to move and our new place seems great. We just have to last through the end of the month, close, enjoy bike the drive, port most of the small stuff a day or two at a time, and then have movers handle the big stuff. Without driving the dog too crazy, and without cracking under the enormous pressure of buying a place in this market. No sweat.

Current beer-scale: 7.1

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