
My competitive side sometimes gets the best of me

I admit, I am a Cat 6 racer in the worst sense. I take it personally when people pass me too close, and grit my teeth with jealousy when I'm slogging through a headwind and see some spandex-clad spazz spinning away in the opposite direction. I despise drafters, and took a perverse pleasure in shaking one off last night and seeing their headlight fade behind me. I like to get home fast, and that means I basically race home.

And really, I don't see much wrong with that. As much as I enjoy the ride I'd much rather be home with the wife and dog. And on days like today it's even worse, with the Bears in the Thursday night game and pizza for dinner plans. Nevermind the fact that fall is actually here and it was below freezing for the morning ride today. I'll go as fast as I can in those conditions. And I should enjoy it while I can b/c earlier reports of possible AM slush had me prepping Frankenbike last night as I grilled dinner outside. Goodbye speed.

Current beer-scale: 7.2

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