
Hi Fred!

Hitched a ride on a tri-bike this morning from Fullerton to Oak St. He hit me with a "HEADS UP!" as I was waiting for him to go by as I was getting on the path after crossing LSD this morning. Go ahead and guess whether I was rolling in about to cut him off or actually just standing there waiting for a spandex-clad idiot to go by. It's early enough in the week that it didn't sit too well with me, so I caught up and latched on for a couple miles.

It bugs the piss out of me when someone settles in behind me. So it seems petty for me do it as an annoyance to someone else, but I always figure if it's bugging me then it's my job to shake that someone off. The guy looked back a few times, shifting after each time to get to a smaller ring, but asshole that I am, I wasn't going to let him go until I was damn ready. Once we went up the ramp at Oak, I used the sidewalk to circle around and head back to work. I don't know if I actually bothered him or not, but I felt better.

Usually someone passes me and I just let them go. Yesterday I got passed by a group of three people that it looked like were in the same mood I was this morning, with two of the guys trying their best to keep up with a roadie in front. The awesome thing was the guy in the middle was on a brompton. I was so impressed I had to catch up to take a picture. It doesn't look like it, but these guys were absolutely flying.
Look at the guy's tiny wheels! That's spectacular.

I can't believe there are so many speed freaks still out. Heading back to work there were at least two more bunches of roadies drafting off each other going the other way. I'm not looking forward to the weather turning more fall-like, but there's always a silver lining at least. Hopefully I have a job to bike to once fall settles in.

Current beer-scale: 5.8

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