
now for the downhill

Humpday (for me at least) has thankfully come and gone, leaving only the week's descent into a long weekend. Today had me looking for my suitcase of courage however, and seeing just how fast I could get the tires to spin on the way home.

Of course, once I got home, I realized to my dismay I was unprepared for dinner, which is my responsibility this week with the wife on summer hours. So after walking the dog it was back on the bike for a quick Jewel run for various sundries. Pineapple among them, thank god, b/c I could drown the juice in Sailor Jerry's and start drinking early.
So here's to a quick end of the week, to Lance figuring out which Lance he's going to be, and to getting ready to do some moving this weekend. Woo fucking hoo.

Current beer-scale: 8.6

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