
Yeah, we're all jerks

I'm not a mind-reader. I don't know anyone's intentions out there, and I'm not naive enough to assume they're all good. The same can be said about everyone else out there with me everyday. No one knows where my head's at.

So all anyone can do is try to play nice with everyone else and hope that no one gets hurt. It's not always possible though, and I'm not always sure whether that's b/c everyone's a jerk, or just an idiot.

When someone is dumb enough to slow down on a bike when they don't have a stop, they shouldn't be upset if a car takes this as a sign they should go ahead and go through the intersection. Getting upset as the car pulls into the opening you just made only makes you look like an idiot.

You also look like an idiot on the sidewalk, especially if you're running people over to get there. If you really feel the need to ride up there and have an opening to do so, you better damn well make sure there's no one up there on foot. And if there is, slow the fuck down. Or better yet, stay on the street.

Again, I'm not a mind reader. I can't assign malicious intent to any of these instances or the mulitudes of others I'll see this summer with the usual increase in bike crowds. It doesn't really make me feel any better to just chalk it up to idiocy though either.

Current beer-scale: 7.8

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