
Ah, a rainy day to get restless on. I'm still drying out after a quick ride through the northcenter and lincoln square neighborhoods and a stop to pick up the hardest-to-find dogfood in the entire city.

The day started well enough, the usual dog beach trip despite the slight drizzle.
Eventually, the usual "I have a whole day to myself and what the hell am I going to do" set in. Thankfully, last night in my zeal to drink as much Half Acre as possible while watching both hockey games and savoring the fact my week was over, I realized there was a brewery one neighborhood over to go check out. Unfortunately they're not quite set for tours yet, but once they are I think my Fridays' just booked up. Fantastic. And finally, and probably least interestingly, the Jewel across the street had a stock of one of the most difficult dogfoods in history to find. This was the fourth store in two days I had tried to find the dog's breakfast at, and finally found a pocket of them left. Always a good sign.
Current beer-scale: 4.1

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