
missed it by that much

Well, the fenders almost went on w/o a hitch. Of course the hitch that happened seemed to be a big one, but they're on at any rate. I went cheap, just like everything else for this bike so that means more clip-ons. Hooray!
And why would this simple add-on work since nothing else on the bike has? Eventually they were on in time for a ride to work this morning. If you see someone trudging by on this rolling POS give him a sympathetic wave.
Just in time for this snow that's supposed to hit at noon today and is making everyone jumpy. Let's at least wait until it's on the ground to freak out.

Which I will be happy to do as soon as the first flake hits, but that's just me. Frankenbike is a rough enough ride on pavement. I'm terrified to see what it'll be like with some snow on the ground. Sounds like I'll find out one way or the other today. Joy.
Really I'm surprised I could bike at all after all the beer I had last night trying to make it through another drubbing at the hands of USC. That was just depressing. I now pin all my seasonal affect disorder "good" feelings on the Bears and the odds they can beat the Vikings tonite. God save us all.
Current beer-scale: 6.8

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