
Wow. One day without a bike commute is tough to handle, especially when that day is Sunday. Nevermind the fact I'm at work and dependent on factors outside my control concerning when I'll be able to head out. Everything seems that much more aggravating without a chance to focus on the day before I'm suddenly here.

**Edited to add**

No day is so bad that a 2-mile speed-walk to get home in time to drive to a concert you don't want to go to can't make it worse. I tried to enjoy that, I really did, but trying to get home just to turn around and get stuck on the Edens instead of being able to call it a day and relax did not make that easy. The walk itself wasn't that bad; in fact, it was reassuring to realize that if the winterbike project doesn't pan out, the most direct walk to work can be done in about 40 minutes. Not ideal when the temp dips into the teens but still an alternative to driving. Time to have more beer.

Current beer-scale: 7.8

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