

Yeah, good morning to you too lady. And no, that wasn't me trying to take off on Lincoln using my left arm as a wing. I was not imagining myself to be a bullfighter and I most definitely did not plan on slaying your SUV with a sword as you passed, although I do occasionally wonder why I'm not carrying something similar. Nor was I attempting to hand you something like a marathon runner; it's not like you need an extra water or something while you drive your chubby ass wherever it is you're going. What both of those last ones should tell you is that was in no way an invitation to see how much farther left you could get in an attempt to get as close to me as possible. We weren't playing tag; I was trying to turn left onto Webster and you were just a retarded asshole. My hand is fine, btw.

My usual commute consists of three turns; a right and two lefts. If I take the path instead of Linclon, it's two rights and a left. So I haven't been able to come up with a route without lefts, unless I want to circle a block or something. Most days it's not a problem, I either get up to a green light and turn when I have a chance, or I wait a little longer. Occasionally though, someone sees a person standing on a bike with their left arm out and all hell breaks loose. I really don't see what's so difficult about it, but then again I have a higher IQ than a tapeworm. Seriously, we were making eye contact and everything, and she still was on the yellow line as she went by and almost took my hand with her. What the hell people?

Current beer-scale: 8.7

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