
swing away

The rain held off enough last night to get the first softball game of the season in. I choose to call it a game, a casual observer might use other words. Does the score really matter, as long as we had fun?

Of course it does. But if I can make it through the season without scaring my coworkers with the extent of my competitive streak, then I'll consider the season a success. We got beat, but we didn't get creamed like some other teams I've been on. Plus, we got 1/2 price pitchers at the bar when we were done.

What I'm most excited about is the fact that even after showing up an hour early to hit and throw for the first time in about 2 years, I don't feel any real ill effects other than the occasional ache when I move my throwing shoulder the wrong way. I was going to bike in no matter how I felt, but it was a pleasant surprise to wake up and not feel too hobbled. It's not like 16-inch softball is the most exherting sport out there but it can be rough the first time back. I definitely feel old, but not hobbled. That was good enough for me this morning.

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