
decisions decisions

It's only day 3, technically, but unemployment seems to present some interesting dilemmas through the course of a day.
Which job site do I check first? Do I bother to shower first, or could I go for a ride first then job search? If I went for a ride, do I do north or south? Could I do both? Sure, why not.


Doing both seemed sensible. There's only so many times you can check NPO.net, and if you're checking by 9:30 AM you're not seeing anything you didn't see checking the night before. Actually this morning I had already lined up an interview for next week so accompanied by the unfamiliar sense of accomplishment, it was time to take the bike out. Even though the dog and I have been running this week, the bike's been getting neglected. So out I went, hoping I was well-enough layered.

Things weren't that bad actually. There have been an ungodly amount of bikers out when we're running in the morning, but that seemed to have tapered off by the time I was out today. Down to Navy Pier, then back up to Foster and home. Nothing too fancy, but long enough and cold enough to feel like I'd accomplished something for the second time today. The hardest part was just trying to ride and not think about hitting the PC back at home.
The search hasn't been too bad lately. Hearing back in the negative about all my interviews wasn't great last week, but I'm back on the horse this week. I have to keep writing so I don't lose my rhythm, but I don't think I can bring myself to jot down failure notes each day. I also can't bring myself to be the guy bringing his laptop to starbucks to write in social settings. That entails wearing pants, and that's not gonna happen. Again, no pictures of that though.

After running 3 out of the last 5 days, she was happy to stay at home while I got some extra miles in. Smart dog.

Current beer-scale: 5.2 and finally starting to recuperate.

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