
I immediately regret this decision!

Time to wring out my socks!

I rarely if ever regret riding to work. Since I was relatively fine after getting doored and the bike was still rideable, even Monday wasn't enough to get me to drive. But the wind howling outside the window this morning was enough to give me some hesitation before pulling on the layers.

It was a little douche-y in traffic this morning but that's to be expected in crappy weather. Throw in the Dan Ryan evidently exploding yesterday and traffic's going to suck for a while. Traffic struggles paled in comparison to what mother nature had to offer though.Stupidly, I decided to keep going and get some miles in. I immediately regretted that decision as the first crashing wave's mist came up to hit me in the face and drive tiny ice needles into every exposed surface. Brr. It was a laugh riot out there.

I know I shouldn't complain; I knew what it was going to be like when I left today and no one made me go farther that I had to to get to work. But damn was that cold.

Current beer-scale: 7.6

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