
My mornings are going later and later, with my commutes consistently starting a few minutes later each day. If I was concerned, I'd be reading into it. Someone that doesn't want to go to work usually won't feel pressure to leave on time. There might be something to that, but there's also something to it finally being nice out and wanting to walk the dog longer.

For whatever reason, just a few minutes later makes a huge difference in who you see on bikes and how traffic patterns change around you. I get stuck behind people fiddling with their ipods or doing whatever else people do when they only ride a few months out of the year. Basically they do the opposite of what I'd be doing at lights, or with someone blocking the lane, or going around other commuters. Which actually hasn't been bothering me, b/c I tend to speed up around these people and still get to work relatively on-time. So while they're out there taking up space, they're also saving me a few minutes of time each morning.

Of course, I shouldn't complain too much, b/c I can't still can't avoid losing a few leg hairs each morning bashing my calf on a pedal. Ow. It keeps me humble. At least a little.

Current beer-scale: 7.2

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