
Bike bike bike. Thank thank thank.

Drink drink drink.

Today was follow-up day with some of the shops I shook down last week, with mixed results. The crazy thing is, someone off-handedly suggested Dutch Bikes Chicago, and that lead almost immediately to a donation. Sometimes things just fit I guess.

Someone squatted on my while I was running to some of these places after work, and while I took a picture to post here, that accomplishes nothing. I can't turn every post into "look who pissed me off today," complete with blurry cell pics. So let's focus on the positive.

Dutch bikes, while not my thing, struck me as the perfect fit as someone to donate to a Bike to Work week participation raffle. Thankfully, their manager agreed with me over the phone and said I could stop by. At that point, any excuse to leave work early struck me as a good one so away I went. It's funny--it was a natural conversation and it almost immediately lead to a donation. I will admit most of these have been awkward, and while most did lead to more donations, they weren't nearly as enjoyable as the one from Dutch Bike. I'm glad we have some prizes to entice new people to try biking and to reward those that do already, but I will also be glad when this is over.

I also have to admit, REI came through in a big way for me, even though I had to promise a little quid pro quo in the way of an on-grounds tour for their participants. Whatever. Good for REI.

I'm cracking another beer now, but am saving the rest for game 7 tomorrow night. Let's go Wings!

Current beer-scale: 7.0

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