
I think I'm more tired than even I realized this morning; my "on your left" at the fullerton light wasn't the friendliest coming in to work. Then again, if the guy rolls through the last light, what's he thinking stopping when the light's about to change and blocking the lane with people rolling up behind him?

That whole intersection pissed me off today, between that guy and the chick who passed me just to slow to a crawl as soon as she was directly in front of me. Who knows, maybe I'm too big to see around from behind and she just didn't realized there was a bottleneck coming up. Then again, if you've ridden that with any regularity you know that there's usually some people stopped and taking it slow might be a good idea. If she hadn't had the other guy in front of her I might not even have noticed but it was just that kind of morning.

Or maybe I'm just a dickhead too. When something that simple is bugging me that much, there's probably more to it than just being tired. And yeah, I feel pretty wore down this morning. But it's not like I'm sprinting into work and getting there exhausted. I'm trying to take it easy in the morning and enjoy myself to the point where I'm ready for a good day at work. There was some bike rage starting to form by the time I got there though, not a pleasant feeling. Some time away would probably do me good right about now.

Some place I'd rather be right now.

Current beer-scale: 6.5

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